Crafty Family Writing Submission Guidelines
Updated 06/30/03
See other section guidelines and general BPO guidelines [HERE]. Please visit the main BPO site and individual sections to get a feel for our needs. [HERE]
Submission Guidelines:
The Crafty Family section of Busy Parents Online Magazine is seeking submissions of informative or personal experience articles, essays, humor, short pieces, print and web resources, book and product reviews, patterns and more to do with all aspects of crafting. We are looking for a variety of material geared toward bringing the family together through crafting.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
. Crafting Columns
. Resources links and crafting business profiles.
. Book selections
. Contests and Giveaways
. Craft TV show, book and magazine reviews and directory
. Crafting journals
. Crafting shorts and fillers
. Hot new crafts like scrapbooking, etc..
. Crafts for Kids
. Crafts for Adults
. Crafts for other abled (disabled and special needs kids)
. Crafts for Families
. Charity CraftingArticles and essays should be 1000 words or less. Family writing samples and reviews should be 250 words or less, unless otherwise arranged. Published submissions will include your bio, a link to your website, contact information, and business logos where appropriate. Fillers should be between 100 and 200 words and will include a brief tag-line including link. Patterns and craft projects can include pictures. Reprints will be considered with inclusion of publishing history.
Compensation at this time is in the form of a byline including a link to your URL and/or contact information. By submission of material, you grant BPO first electronic and archival rights for one year. Queries and submissions may be sent .
BPO reserves the right to reject any query or submission without explanation. BPO also reserves the right to re-title, modify, edit, abridge, or confirm accuracy of any material accepted for publication. Any significant changes will be brought to the author's attention before publication. Guidelines are subject to change without notice as needs and policies develop.
We are currently seeking submissions in the following topic areas:
Family Crafting
What kinds of crafts have you successfully made with the whole family? How do you get everyone involved? How has it helped the family interact with each other?Craft Reviews
What craft-related books, magazines, TV shows, products, or web resources have helped you most? Share why you would recommend a particular resource and include all pertinent information. Suggested resources might include web sites, materials, books, kits, retailers, TV shows, or events.Hot New Crafts
Have you come across a craft that seems to be sweeping through your town? Has the scrapbooking bug bit you?Craft Projects
We are looking for craft projects for all age levels, starting at age 2, and group sizes from individuals to parents/child to large groups. What projects have you enjoyed doing with your kids? What large group projects have you tried in the classroom or with your scout troop? What crafts can you make with your computer? It is time to redecorate the house, what crafts can you make to pull the room/house together?Charity Crafting
Do you know someone who runs an organization where they make crafts for those in need? Why are you involved in charity crafting? Do you have patterns that you use for your charity crafting that you would like to share with others?Use your imagination!
We are open to the creative ideas and suggestions of our visitors, so feel free to contact us if you have an idea to share other than what has been outlined in the guidelines.
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