Busy Family Writing Submission Guidelines
Updated 06/27/03
See other section guidelines and general BPO guidelines [HERE]. Please visit the main BPO site and individual sections to get a feel for our needs. [HERE]
The Busy Family section knows how hectic family life is today. Our goal is to give you the tips, ideas and resources you need to keep you and your family on the go with ease.
Our Needs
Features: Topics that offer our readers ideas they can use in their daily lives, such as keeping up with school days, hectic weekday evenings, balancing work and home life and more. We are open to innovative ideas. Length: 700-900 words. Query first. No payment at this time but a byline, bio and URL are given.
Weekend Wind Down: This section offers the busy family ideas for weekend fun together. Length: 500-700 words. Send complete story. Allow four to six weeks for response.
One-on-One Time: Ideas and resources for parents to spend special time bonding/re-bonding with one child at a time. Examples: mother and daughter day out, father and son outings. Length: 500-700 words. Send complete story. Allow four to six weeks for response.
All In The Family: Resources and suggestions for the busy family to spend special time together with extended family members, such as grandparents, cousins, aunts and others. Length: 500-700 words. Send complete story. Allow four to six weeks for response.
Our Busy Family: Personal experience stories of how you and your family connect during busy times. Length: 500-700 words. Send complete story. Allow four to six weeks for response.
The Cyber Family: Send in suggestions of online resources and websites that you and your family have found helpful, whether it's for meals on the run, vacation planning, etc. We will not be able to respond personally but will use sites as space allows.
Reviews: Reviews of books on family life that you and your family enjoyed and found helpful. Length: 200-400 words. Send complete review with book title, publisher, author and length.
First rights only and submission will be archived for one year unless other arrangements have previously been made. Release will be sent to author to sign for non-exclusive print rights.Reprints
Accepted for work on which you hold copyright. Please let us know where and when the piece was first published.Submitting
Send submission in the body of an e-mail. No attachments will be opened. Allow four to six weeks for response time. No payment at this time but a byline, bio and URL are given. Send submissions .
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