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The Busy Parents Online Magazine
Owner and Editor-in-Chief, Gina Ritter


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Gina Ritter
Oversees all Editors and makes final decisions
Executive Assistant
Laura Townshend

Copy Editor

Lisa Graffeo
Examines sections for copy mistakes and assists Section Editors in making clean copy

Special Projects and Consultant

Consults with EiC & Section Editors on special projects

Newsletter & Annoucement Editors


In charge of announcements to mailing list and general and targeted public, as well as newsletter duties (?).
Assistant Editors
1. Lisa White
Contributes time and energy as needed and when possible. Contributes to any and all sections
Team Education Coordinator
Works with EiC to keep section editors and other team members up to date. Trains new partners of BPO (ex: Section Editors) in issues concerning advertisement, maximization of section, cross training, etc..
Busy Parents University Manager
Sandy Fleming
Team Technology Coordinator
Works with EiC and section editors and other team members with tech problems/needs.

Chief of Research

Gina Ritter

Research Coordinator

Sandra Hayman
In charge of all research requests by the EiC & Chief of Research

Community Manager

Sandra Hayman
For Chats, Message Boards, etc.. Keep order amongst members and movement in discussions
Letters to the Editor
Calendar Coordinator
Brandy Brow
Keeping us up to date


Family Diversity
74 sections listed
Natural Family Editor
Specifically for natural pregnancy and parenting -- For every family who IS natural or WANTS to be more natural
Special Education, Behavior & Disabilities Editor
Diana Smith
Children with behavioral disorders, disabilities, etc.  Resources for parents and professionals
Blended Families Editor
Finding solutions and education for Step families/blended families/any family raising a non biological child.
Busy Families Editor
Issues that touch most families. Generalized family.
Young Parent Editor
Issues facing 12-22 (?) year olds having babies
Boomer Parents
Parents who begin having children (or begin again) in their late 30's to 50's
BusySpirit Editor
Exploring Christianity and family
Writing Family


Resources and Relaxation for Busy families with parent or youth authors!
Pregnancy & Children
Busy Multiples Editor
Parenting and pregnancy for twins, triplets, etc
Baby & Toddler


Feeding, supplies, tie in to shopping section, health, baby exercise, baby massage, etc..
Gradeschoolers Editor
Sandy Fleming
4-12 Years -- Tie into shopping section -- everything about kids this age - what they like, dont like, needs, etc..
Parenting Teenagers Editor
Parents with teenagers
Entertainment & Education
Family Entertainment Editor
Story Time Editor
Children's Books & Periodicals -- reviews and sales, articles, activism
Homeschooling Editor
Brandy Brow
All homeschooling issues. Christian and non Christian Homeschools
Crafts Editor
Pets Editor
TD Yandt
All things pets
Abuse & Safety Editor
Tenna Perry
Survivors of rape, abuse, incest, trauma and Family Safety
Family News
For recalls, news and other noteworthy articles on news affecting families
Holiday & Party Manager


To keep Holiday action going in a timely manner (not confused with gifts editor)
Home & Health
Health & Exercise Editor
To motivate, inspire & educate youth and adults to be healthier
Women's Health
Dana Portwood
To motivate, inspire & educate women to be healthier
Journal Editor
 Journaling for the family and soul
Work & Money
Daycare Dayz (Business side) Editor
Brigitte Thompson
Where and how to find the best resources, becoming a childcare provider, starting and running a daycare, daycare business finances, daycare providers support line
Working at Home Editor
Issues and support for moms and dads working from home -- Unbiased, listing pros and cons
Computerized Family Editor
For web savvy parents, or those just learning
Busy Family Finance
All aspects from kids, savings, college, cars, homes, etc

Do you fit a BPO volunteer position? Do you want to suggest another?
Contact us !


Busy Parents Online Copyright © 1999-2004.
A division of Busy Family Network. All rights reserved.