By Debbie Call (c) 2003

Worn down from ceaseless struggle and effort? Are you still trying to make everything happen yourself?

See if this sounds better to you: Things fall into place with ease. Closed doors open to new resources. Your desires materialize in ways you cannot imagine. A new flow comes into your life.

Pay attention to this phenomenon called "synchronicity." You need look no further for a more powerful success partner. Suspend your cynicism and release your resistance. Cultivate your relationship with synchronicity by following these four tips:

1. GET CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT. Perhaps a resource, name, information, solution. For example, my neighbor wanted a hard-to-find, out-of-print book. Synchronicity helps with the HOW as long as you've defined the WHAT. Not clear on the what? Take a look at what you don't want. What do you want instead?

2. CREATE A RECEPTIVE ATTITUDE. Expect to receive the next sign or clue for action. Be alert. My neighbor, undaunted, believed she'd discover the out-of-print book somehow, somewhere. She created that intention and placed it with the universe. She didn't know when she'd receive the information but held an expectant attitude. State your intention. Pay attention. Recognize and follow the cues synchronicity sends you for the "how."

3. FOLLOW INTUITIVE HUNCHES. Act on the cues you receive. Expect that they may not make sense logically. See what happens by taking a small action step. My neighbor above reluctantly accepted an invitation to attend a street fair. Doing so put her in the vicinity of her sought-after book.

4. WALK WITH SYNCHRONICITY. When you act on a cue, another door opens for you. My neighbor attended a street fair. She followed her eye to a pile of books sprawled on the sidewalk. On top of a pile lay her out-of-print book. A hardcopy, first-edition priced at 50 cents. Synchronicity arranged an event. My neighbor responded.

You don't have to figure everything out yourself. Expect the best to come to you. Ride the wave of synchronicity to your most heartfelt, successful life now.


Debbie Call, author and veteran coach, helps others use knowledge from the heart to make life and career-enhancing decisions. Read more on synchronicity in her new book, Tug of Heart - How to Trust What You Know, available at Subscribe to the
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