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What Parents Need to Know About Tea
The benefits of green and black teas
from the Busy Parents Guide

Other articles on the benefits of Green Tea


JEAN CARPER ( Great article on all the benefits of green tea

LAS VEGAS (CNN) -- Green tea contains twice the disease-fighting punch as red wine, according to new research presented at an American Chemical Society meeting in Las Vegas.

GREEN TEA KILLS E-COLI BACTERIA - Catechins, bitter component of green tea, effectively kills almost every bacteria which causes food poisoning.

GREEN TEA INGREDIENT FIGHTS CANCER - NEW YORK (Reuters) A powerful antioxidant ingredient in green tea kills human cancer cells in laboratory experiments, according to a report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute for December 17, 1997.

TEA GREEN - Next time you're opting for that morning cup of whatever, go for the green. Green tea (the kind you're usually served in Chinese restaurants) has been shown to have terrific healing properties.

RECENT RESEARCH FROM JAPAN - : "A cup of green tea made from jasmine or green leaves may be life saving as well as cheering. Recent research from Japan, reported in the British Medical Journal, has analysed the effect of green tea drinking on 1371 men who live in Yoshimi; it found that the portents for reduction in the incidence of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular diseases in general were good."


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