Crafty With Harry Potter
By Nancy Cavanaugh
6 Busy
Parents Online suggested crafts!
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On June 21, 2003, the
latest book featuring the adventures of Harry Potter was released.
Here are some magical crafts to go with the book!
Note: These projects are
intended for children ages seven years and older. Some adult supervision
may be required.
Create a little magic with
these ingredients and gross out your parents or younger siblings.
Slimy Goo
What you need:
1/3 cup very warm water
1 tbsp. Borax
Yellow and blue food coloring
2 cups Elmer's glue
1 1/2 cups water
Two containers (one 8 oz. and one 48 oz. -- plastic, glass or
How to make it:
1. In small container,
mix 1/3 cup of very warm water with 1 tbsp. of Borax until it
2. Add a couple of drops
of yellow and blue (green) food coloring.
3. In large container, mix the Elmer's glue with the 1 1/2 cups
of water.
4. Add the Borax mix to
the glue mix and stir. Keep watching and a rubbery blob will emerge!
(Should take less than 15 minutes.)
Magically Fashionable
Dress in warlock style
with this easy-to-make paper wizard's hat. You can use a velvety
towel draped over your shoulders for a cape and a long, straight
stick to complete the look.
What you need:
Large sheet of construction
paper in black or dark blue White or yellow construction
Scotch tape
How to make it:
1. Roll the large sheet
of construction paper to create a cone shape. Tape in place.
2. Cut off the tail ends
to create a smooth edge.
3. Using the pencil, draw several stars and crescent moons on
the white or yellow construction paper.
4. Cut out the shapes and
glue onto the hat. Allow to dry.
No desk would be complete
without these magic wands and brooms made from pencils with a
papier-mache cauldron to store them in.
Magic Wands
What you need:
Double-stick tape
Black acrylic paint
Gold star garland
Wire cutters
How to make it:
1. Paint the pencil black.
2. Cut off a piece of double-stick
tape long enough to wrap around the metal part of the pencil eraser,
then wrap it around.
3. Take the gold star garland
and start wrapping around the pencil where you put the double-sided
tape, pressing as you wrap to adhere it to the tape.
4. When you reach the end
of the tape, use the wire cutters to cut the wire (you may want
a grown-up to help with this), and tuck the end inside under previously
placed garland.
Warlock/Witch's Broom
What you need:
Yellow or natural wood-colored
Double-stick tape
Natural/tan raffia
Gold star garland
Wire cutters
How to make it:
1. Cut some raffia about
3" long.
2. Cut off a piece of double-stick
tape long enough to wrap around the metal part of the pencil eraser,
then wrap it around.
3. Lay ends of raffia around
the pencil, pressing to adhere to the tape, with ends sticking
up above the eraser.
4. Cut off another piece
of double-stick tape long enough to wrap around and adhere to
the top of the raffia, directly above the other piece of tape.
5. Lay ends of raffia around
the pencil, pressing to adhere to the tape, with ends sticking
up above the eraser. Repeat two more times.
6. Take the gold star garland
and start wrapping around the pencil, pressing as you wrap to
adhere it to the tape. When you reach the end of the tape, use
the wire cutters to cut the wire (you may want a grown-up to help
with this), and tuck the end inside under previously placed
Broom/Wand Holder
What you need:
Plastic 8-quart Kool-Aid
Sharp scissors
Newspaper, cut into strips about 1" wide by 4"
Tacky glue
3 large wooden beads
Black acrylic paint
Wax paper or plastic bag (to protect work area)
How to make it:
1. Remove label; wash,
rinse, and dry container.
2. Using sharp scissors, cut below threads on container. Cut all
the way around. Be sure to cut smooth to prevent any burrs or
sharp edges. Discard cut-off piece. If there are any burrs or
sharp edges, use the sandpaper to lightly sand them away.
3. Lay out wax paper or plastic bag (turn wrong side out) to protect
work surface.
4. Mix equal parts of flour and water to create a milky texture.
5. Cover the container with wax paper. You can tape the paper
to the inside as that will remain dry.
6. Dip the strips of newspaper into the mixture and cover the
Kool-Aid container with two coats of newspaper. Allow to dry,
then remove the Kool-Aid container.
7. Add several more layers to the cauldron to make it nice and
sturdy. Allow to dry completely (this could take a couple of days,
depending on how moist the air is).
8. Paint container and beads with black paint. Let dry. You may
need to apply an additional coat.
9. Turn container upside down and glue on beads, evenly spacing
them around the outside bottom of the container. Let dry.
Marking Time
You can create quick and
easy bookmarks by printing out some of your favorite scenes from
the movie on heavy printing paper. Cut out the bookmark about
1" wide by 6" long.
Have fun crafting and may
the force, I mean, magic be with you!
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Nancy Cavanaugh, is a
stay-at-home mom and avid crafter. You can find lots more
fun crafts for kids, ages three to seven, at her site: Kids
Holiday Crafts www.kidsholidaycrafts.com